What is the Net Promoter Score?
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a loyalty metric developed by Fred Reichheld. In his book ‘The Ultimate Question’, NPS is presented as the most important metric for business. Developed for consumer marketing, the Net Promoter Score tracks how customers represent a company to their friends and associates. It is now widely used in customer satisfaction and perception studies.
How does our Construction Specifiers’ Brand Strength Analysis work?
We first ask the construction specifier how likely they are to specify a brand for a construction project. We have found that certain types of construction products are more likely to be specified by brand than others where a performance or generic specification is used. We then ask the construction specifier to say how likely they would be to specify a series of construction product brands, including our clients, for a category of construction product. In addition, we can include a series of product characteristics, such as technical support, and get feedback on the importance of each to the brand choice.
How does our Construction Trade Loyalty Brand Strength Analysis work?
We first ask the tradesman to name the brand they purchase without prompting. Then we ask them how many of a series of prompted brands they know of. Finally, we ask how likely they would be to recommend the unprompted brand and if different, how likely they would be to recommend our client’s brand. In addition, we can include a series of product characteristics, such as price or ease of use, and get feedback on the importance of each to the brand choice.