Working with specialist forecasting partners

Vitally important in helping firms prepare business plans for the year ahead. With a few leading authorities regularly publishing broad construction forecasts, rather than prepare our own we have chosen to partner with specialist – Hewes Associates to bring you their Construction Outlook forecasting report. We also summarise key market data for construction in our monthly Market Update which is free to subscribe to.

Hewes & Associates has been publishing forecasts since 1995. Its founder, Martin Hewes, is an economist with an engineering background who has been involved in forecasting construction markets since 1989.

Construction forecasting tailored to your markets

Tailored construction forecasting empowers your strategy development.

Personalised to reflect your business profile, we can deliver tailored construction market analysis and research relevant to the nature of your construction business and correlate this with construction industry forecasts. This can help inform your specification strategies, reduce uncertainty and benchmark your sales performance against the construction sectors you operate in.

Conducting regular construction forecasting can help you to:

  • Clearly identify the future demand for construction goods and services
  • Identify trends in the construction market ahead of competitors
  • Benchmark your performance against the construction market
  • Evaluate market size and opportunities in key construction market sectors

As part of your planning process you need to conduct regular construction market forecasts. Forecasting can improve your business planning by indicating construction trends, showing the potential value of each construction sector to your business and changes in your construction market share.

Construction industry forecasts give an idea of the industry’s future but need further dissection to help understand the implications for your business.

Competitive Advantage, together with our partners, can provide a construction market forecast tailored to the opportunities in your sectors. This exercise is relatively low-cost and can help you anticipate any potential threats and indeed be well placed for new business opportunities.

For more information or to see how Competitive Advantage can help you to develop you forecasts contact us via our Enquiry Form